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Journey Through Rotaract- Rtr. Akhila Adeeshwara

Being a true leader with exceptional leadership skills and receiving multiple awards for his benevolent efforts, Rtr. Akhila Adeeshwara is our Club's Immediate Past President. With his friendly and charming personality, he is known to many in the Rotaract family.

Here is a revelation of his great experiences and learning outcomes of his Journey Through Rotaract.

What is Rotaract for you?
Rotaract for me, is a source of wealth. Wealth in terms of people, opportunities and experiences. You can be rich in all of this if you understand the true potential of Rotaract.

In whatever, with regards to my studies, work or business, the friendships I’ve made, the experiences I’ve gained have been truly helpful. The opportunities it has created for me are endless.
Why Rotaract?
Everyone joins Rotaract for a unique reason. My reason was my endless desire to help. I'm thankful for the things I have and the life I live. It has inspired me to share everything from my time to energy and the little money I have with others. I would go out of my way to help someone in need and Rotaract was the platform to do it easily. 

It’s so organized and well structured that you can worry less about the background work and focus more on the helping. But down the line, thanks to senior Rotaractors, my entire perspective about Rotaract changed. That’s when I understood that this is not only a platform for me to help someone but is also a source of wealth. Wealth that I mentioned earlier. 

Do you really think that Rotaract can make a difference in the society?
No. It’s the people - the Rotaractors who make the change. Rotaractors with the right mindset and right attitude. Rotaract as an organization would never thrive so much if not for the amazing group of members and the ones who lead the organization. 

This is why I believe avenues like professional development and club service are important because without developing skills and friendships, it’s difficult to serve the community. But a true Rotaractor definitely has the potential in making a lasting change and there are so many examples as well.
How did you manage your responsibilities as a Rotaractor while managing your undergrad work?
Team. As our club motto also says; Teamwork Makes the Dream Work. When there’s teamwork, the dream doesn't work just for the President or Board of Directors but for each and every individual member. Delegating work, having teams and sub teams, having committees and subcommittees, giving everyone opportunities and responsibilities was the secret. 

We were a family helping each other. Not just in projects but also in studies and even personal matters sometimes during hard times and even good times. Success was celebrated together and sorrow was shared among the family. Not just in Rotaract but in any case, leaders at all levels should always be by the side of their members. That’ll make life easy for everyone. My team was always supportive and that is how I had the chance to manage my undergrad work with no issue.

What is the most felt project in your journey? 
World Down Syndrome Day celebration 2015. Simply unforgettable.

How did Rotaract change yourself? 
Changed me by 180 degrees. I'm a person completely different from 4 years ago. My thinking, behavior, attitude and perspective have changed drastically mainly due to the experiences I’ve gained from Rotaract. All that is a definite good change. 

What are value additions for you by being in Rotaract?
Friends for life, mentors and individuals I can look up to when I need support. But most importantly, a lot of experiences, skills and knowledge which I can never get from books.

Rotaract in one word.

Journey Through Rotaract- Rtr. Akhila Adeeshwara Reviewed by RACUOCFMF on 23:46 Rating: 5

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