Monthly Roundup - February
Here’s a look at how the month of February unfolded for RACUOCFMF.
Community Service
BOSS Phase 3 – “The Craft Shop”
BOSS phase 3 was a project organized with the aim of empowering differently abled women by giving them a helping hand to become independent.
We joined hands with “Mith Sevana Home” where there are 70 differently abled women who are passionate in making handicraft products. We were able to help them sell their products by organizing a sales outlet at the Colombo Racecourse Good Market on the 24th February.
Kudos to project chairpersons, Rtr. Sajani Kannangara and Rtr. Thrimeni Thilakarathne for pulling off a successful project which brought a different yet an amazing experience to all those who participated. Read More
Green Life
3R – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
3R is a food waste awareness campaign organized with the aim of creating awareness on food waste management among the undergraduates of our faculty. Project was carried out through digital platforms where a range of videos highlighting the importance of Food Waste Management were played during the lunch breaks in the canteen Television. Further, videos and photos were shared on Social media such as Facebook and WhatsApp.
This project chaired by Rtr. Ashkar Ajward was a major success where we were able to reduce the food wastage of our canteen from 20 kg to 7 kg per day within one week from implementation.
As of now our blog has a view count close to 185,000 views! We would like to extend our deep gratitude to all our readers for their support and enthusiasm and especially to our amazing club members without whom the blog would not have been where it stands today.
Monthly Roundup - February
Reviewed by RACUOCFMF

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